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The M.S. in Curriculum & Instruction is intended for students who desire to strengthen their abilities to do scholarly work and research in one C I specialty emphasis area. Therefore, M.S. students must prepare themselves to conduct original research for a thesis. In consultation with their adviser, M.S. students develop a plan of study (see check-sheet) meeting the following conditions. Consult the Master's Degree Manual for further explanation.

All credits must be from graduate courses at the“ 400 level or above, with at least 18 credits at 500 or 600 levels. A total of 36 credits is required for the M.S. degree.

M.S. Requirements

  • One course in curriculum (e.g., C I 550) (3 credits).
  • One course in educational research (e.g., C I 400 or C I 501) (3 credits).
  • One course in philosophical, social, psychological, or historical foundations of education (e.g., EDPSY 421, EDTHP 4xx) (3 credits).


  • Completion of the major as required by the selected emphasis area.
  • Most options recommend (but do not require) that at least six credits be completed outside of the C I Department (not C I, C&S, E C E, LL ED, MTHED, SCIED, SS ED, WL ED).
  • Completion of six credits of C I 600 (Thesis Research).
  • M.S. students must complete a research-oriented thesis in which one or more research questions have been answered through appropriate methods of inquiry. The thesis may be a presentation of empirical, theoretical, or philosophical work, which has some direct relationship to some aspect of curriculum and instruction, broadly defined. If human subjects are involved in providing data for the thesis, University policy requires that approval of the research plan and procedures be secured from the University Office of Research Protections prior to beginning the study.
  • Completion of C I 590, including the SARI requirement.