

Adult Education Research Conference (AERC)

The Adult Education Research Conference (AERC) is held annually to provide a forum for adult education research and practice. Conference proceedings from 1993 - present are available on the website. 

The American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) focuses on research and practice that enhances adult learning in a variety of settings.

Midwest Research to Practice
Midwest Research to Practice Conference focuses on the following areas: practitioner concerns, reports on research, evaluation studies, methods and issues in research.

Academy of Human Resource Development Conference
AHRD is dedicated to the study of human resource development theories, practice, and the dissemination of research related to HRD.

Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA)
The association (founded in the UK) brings together practitioners and researchers in the field of adult and continuing education.

American Educational Research Association
AERA encourages research in all areas of education

Pennsylvania Association for Adult and Continuing Education (PAACE)
PAACE is the only statewide professional organization in Pennsylvania which serves as an advocate for adult and continuing education. The membership includes professionals and volunteers from all aspects of adult continuing education, that is adult basic and general education, English as a second language, continuing higher education, literacy education, and workforce development.