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Racing Gender: Critical Race Intersectionality and Researching Race in Education

presented by Dr. Adrienne Dixson


Adrienne D. Dixson is the Department Head of Education Policy Studies, and Harry and Maria Eberly Faculty Fellow. Her research primarily focuses on how race, class, and gender intersect and impact educational equity in urban schooling contexts. Dr. Dixson is the co-editor of CRT in Education: All God's Children Got a SongPhoto of Adrienne Dixson (2006, Routledge) and Handbook of Critical Race Theory and Education. Dr. Dixson is interested in how educational equity is mediated by school reform policies in the urban south. Her research has been funded by the Spencer Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, and the National Science Foundation. In 2021, she was inducted as a Fellow in the American Educational Research Association.

From 2021-2024, Dr. Dixson served as a Program Director at the National Science Foundation its new Race Equity Program and the Eddie Bernice Johnson NSF INCLUDES Program.