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The College of Education invites proposals for two-year projects (the second year of funding is contingent on progress) to advance interdisciplinary collaboration leading to funded research programs. Proposals will be accepted from faculty groups focused on one of the following themes: 

  • Innovation for equity in education
  • Mental health, well-being, and bullying prevention
  • Learning Sciences, Technology, and Artificial Intelligence
  • Systemic change and professional development
  • Rural education and communities

Hub activity may include team building, planning for structure and function of the Hub team, organizing workplans, identifying funding sources for specific proposals, sharing ideas in public forums. Work should lead to the design of interdisciplinary research and specific plans to seek funding (e.g., details pertaining to relevant RFAs). Innovative methodological approaches are welcome including the narrative analysis, engaged research, or anti-racist approaches. 


Teams should be organized among full-time faculty members in the College of Education. Each team should include faculty members from at least two departments. Collaboration with scholars outside the College is permitted, but a majority of HUB members and leadership must be from faculty in the College. 


Successful applications must clearly explain how the proposed research team will develop interdisciplinary collaborations leading to funded research. Applicant teams need to contact Interim Associate Dean, P. Karen Murphy ([email protected]), who will invite proposal consultation with the College Research Advisory Committee. 


I.  Title & Project Summary Page (≤ 1 page)

Provide the following information in the Project Summary:

  • Title of project.
  • Name of individuals leading the research hub.
  • Names and department affiliation of all Hub members.
  • Date of submission. 
  • Amount requested for the first year.
  • Date range for the proposed project. 
  • Abstract (limited to 200 words)

II.  Project Plan (1000 words, including tables and figures) 

Project Plan Requirements: 

  • Identification of the importance of the research direction derived from relevant literature.
  • A specific plan for the work of the team over the course of the funding cycle.
  • A summary of the expected outcomes.
  • Expected next steps and relevant and specific calls for external funding.
  • References for proposal narrative (not included in the narrative word count). 

IV.  Budget

Projects should expect to spend about $7,500 in the first year, and up to $12,500 in year two, contingent on progress in year one. A detailed budget with a written justification should be developed through the College of Education Grants and Contracts Office. Because this is internal funding, the budget does not include indirect costs. Standard fringe rates do apply.

Funds are intended to bolster the development of robust grant proposals. Eligible expenses for research purposes may encompass:

  • Research infrastructure, including the acquisition of commercial data samples, hiring a database programmer, utilizing video editing services, obtaining PI training certification, covering web development costs, and providing participant incentives.
  • Grant preparation expenses, such as methodological assistance, hiring a grant editor/graphic designer, facilitating collaborative working group supports, and funding students on wage payroll.
  • Allocation for team time, which may involve providing limited summer support for Hub leaders and engaging graduate student assistance with projects.

V.  Investigator(s) Bio Sketch
Include a maximum three-page NSF-style bio for each investigator.


Proposals for Research Hubs of Excellence will be evaluated based on potential for external funding. Funding decisions will be determined by the Research Advisory Committee under the direction of the Associate Dean for Research.


Proposals must be submitted electronically as a single PDF file through the InfoReady system. This can be done by visiting and filtering the funding opportunities as “Penn State Seed Grants.” 

Proposals are due October 18. Award notices will be made by October 30 and projects may begin on November 1 and continue through June 30.


  • A three-page written report summarizing the project is due 30 days following the close of the funding cycle (e.g., July 31).
  • Should the Investigator(s) seek renewed funding, the three-page written report should serve as an update, submitted concurrently with the proposal (July 31) requesting an additional year of funding. 
  • All teams will be required to present at the College’s Annual Research Conference subsequent to each year of funding.