Fact #1:
in Best Education Schools
Fact #2:
in Higher Education
Fact #3:
Programs Offered Within the College
We are committed to reimagining education to improve the lives of learners, educators, and community members at the regional, state, national, and global levels.
Through our work, we will contribute to the creation of more equitable education opportunities and outcomes for learners across PK-20. Our commitment to these areas will be supported by our actions in four areas:
Community development and enhancement
Research adressing social issues
Transforming Educational Professionals
Outreach, Dissemination, and Partnerships
The Teachers in Residence Certification Program is one of the many ways we carry out these actions.
Javier LopezDirector of Strategic Partnerships
229B Chambers Building , University Park, PA, 16802
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (814) 865-1034