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Dr. Brian Belland

Dr. Brian Belland

Professor of Education (EDPSY)

106 CEDAR Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education


  • Educational Psychology


Dr. Brian Belland is an Professor of Educational Psychology, an Associate of the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences, and an Affiliate of the Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Penn State.


His research centers on the impact and use of scaffolding in middle and high school contexts and in preservice teacher education. He uses various quantitative, mixed, and qualitative methods to do this work. He received national awards for 7 research papers, which employed the following approaches: Traditional meta-analysis (2), Bayesian network meta-analysis, Ethnomethodology-informed qualitative analysis, Mixed methods approach including nested ANOVA and qualitative analysis informed by symbolic interactionism, Conceptual framework, and Hierarchical linear modeling. He has published in such high-impact journals as Educational Psychologist, Review of Educational Research, Educational Psychology Review, Contemporary Educational Psychology, and Computers & Education. He has received over $1 million in funding from the National Science Foundation as PI to support this research, including an NSF CAREER award.


Courses Dr. Belland has taught are:

  • EDPSY 10 - Individual Differences in Learning
  • EDPSY 421 World Campus - Learning processes in relation to educational practices
  • EDPSY 450/PSYCH 404 - Principles of Measurement
  • EDPSY 505 - Statistical applications in educational research
  • EDPSY 506 - Advanced techniques for analyzing educational experiments
  • EDPSY 528 - Instructional psychology
  • EDPSY 559/597 - Foundations of meta-analysis

Areas of Expertise

Age Levels

Early Childhood


Instructional Methods and Design
Learning Sciences
Learning Sciences


Computer Technology

Curriculum Areas

Science Ed

Education Levels

Middle School/Junior High
Professional Education
Secondary/High School

Individual Difference


Leadership Preparation

Teacher Prep

Methodological Research

Multiple Methods
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research

Teacher Preparation

Pre-service Teachers

Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

Educational Psychology