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Our program at Penn State is consistently rated as one of the top programs in the country. This accomplishment can be attributed to the quality research we conduct and publish as well as the facilities, resources, and technologies that Penn State offers its students and staff.

As a commitment to research training, our program faculty members involve graduate and undergraduate students in different aspects and phases of their research projects. All doctoral students work closely with faculty and fellow students on research teams upon entering our program. This “research apprenticeship” approach is the core of our doctoral program, and the apprenticeship experience is open to qualified master’s students and advanced undergraduates as well.

Research apprenticeships allow students to conduct research studies in teams with other students and faculty. The apprenticeships also permit students to practice all phases of research in studies that may span multiple semesters. These courses allow a more intensive mentorship process than those that are typical either in graduate advising relationships or in semester-long courses.

Review current faculty members' open research projects