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The Career Pathways for Lower-Skilled Adults and Immigrants * established a new researcher-practitioner partnership in the field of adult education, whose aim was to analyze the current state of career pathways implementation across diverse provider systems in high-need, urban environments. The partnership linked adult education agencies in Chicago, Houston, and Miami with the Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy and the Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy at The Pennsylvania State University.

Evidence-based research in adult education is critical to serve the needs of millions of under-skilled Americans seeking greater skills and opportunities. The project provided a platform for peer institutions in three different cities and states to begin comparing career pathways programming, implementation, and outcomes. This two-year study set the stage for long-term, collaborative research and innovation among partnership members, and with other cities and agencies, while also providing a model for researcher-practitioner partnerships in adult education.

*Funded by the Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education


Dr. Carol Clymer, Co-Director
[email protected]
Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy
Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy