Higher Education & Comparative and International Education Dual-Title Degree
The Comparative and International Education (CIED) dual-title degree program is administered by the faculty members of CIED. The faculty maintain the curriculum, identify courses appropriate for the option, and develop and recommend policy and procedures. Members of the faculty also serve on the doctoral committees of students who elect the dual-title doctoral degree. The option enables students from different graduate programs to learn the perspectives, techniques, and methodologies of comparative and international education, while maintaining a close association with their program areas of application.
To qualify for a dual-title degree, students must satisfy the requirements of the graduate major programs in which they are enrolled. For more information, please contact Dr. Karly Ford.
Professor In Charge
Dr. Soo-yong Byun302F Rackley Building , University Park, PA, 16802
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (814) 863-1626
Academic Program Assistant
Cassie VomeroComparative and International Education
404G Rackley Building , University Park, PA, 16802
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (814) 865-1488