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The Professional Certification Coordinating Council (PCCC) consists of representatives from the various Penn State units that offer academic programs which prepare school peronnel.  PCCC activities build on those of its predecessor committees and aim to ensure broad faculty involvement in the governance of these programs at Penn State.

PCCC's central purposes are to facilitate communication among all faculty and staff involved with the professional education programs at all Penn State locations and to advise the University Certification Officer, i.e., the Dean of the College of Education, regarding these programs.

The Council is responsible for:

  1.  Monitoring state and national developments within professional education and their probable impact on programs within the University;
  2. Recommending program changes within the College of Education and the University;
  3. Assessing the advisability of mounting new and experimental programs;
  4. Specifying and implementing indicators of program effectiveness, including outcome assessment procedures;
  5. Encouraging cross- and interdisciplinary involvement in the programs that prepare teachers and other professional school personnel;
  6. Ensuring articulation of external program accreditation and approval processes; and
  7. Advising and consulting with the University Certification Officer.

Committee Members

  • Agricultural and Extension Education - John Ewing          
  • Art Education - Joanne Rutkowski
  • SOVA - Angela Rothrock
  • Communication Sciences and Disorders - Carol Miller
  • Kinesiology - Alison Weimer
  • Music Education - Debbie Dougherty
  • Science - Jacqueline Bortiatynski


  • Counselor Education/Counseling Psychology - JoLynn Carney/ Deirdre O'Sullivan
  • Educational Leadership - Tiffany Squires
  • Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Programs - Leigh Haffner, Scott McDonald, Mathew Poehner
  • School Psychology - James DiPerna
  • Special Education - Kathleen McKinnon
  • Workforce Education and Development - Mark Threeton, Cynthia Pellock
  • Capital College - Jane Wilburne
  • Office of Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences - Alicia McDyre
  • Dean's Office, College of Education - Rayne Sperling and Christi McClellan
  • Ex-officio Member, Dean, College of Education - Kimberly Lawless
  • Coordinator, College of Education Assessment and Accreditation - Leslie Foster
  • College of Education Advising Center - Greg Mason
  • College of Education Assessment Planning and Research - Deb Schussler
  • College of Education Recruitment and Retention - Open