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The Integrated Education and Training Initiative (IET) Library houses the products of the Pathways to Employment Initiative along with useful IET resources for providers and partners.

Programs involved with the Pathways to Employment initiative partnered with adult education providers and local training providers to develop Integrated Education and Training (IET) opportunities across 21 counties in Pennsylvania. By providing adult education and literacy activities concurrently and contextually with workforce training for a specific occupation, these IET programs aim to:

  • Increase the ability of individuals with low basic skills to earn valued occupational credentials,
  • Obtain well-paying jobs, and
  • Sustain rewarding careers in the manufacturing and healthcare sectors.

The programs involved with the Pathways to Employment initiative include the Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy (ISAL), Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation (CPWDC), the North Central Workforce Development Board (NCWDB) and the Southern Alleghenies Workforce Development Board (SAWDB).

The initiative is funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s 2015 Sector Partnership National Dislocated Worker Grant program through the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.

For information on IET Professional Development Workshops and Resources, contact Dr. Carol Clymer: (814) 865-5876; [email protected]
Institute For the Study of Adult Literacy Logo

North Central Workforce Development Board    Southern Alleghenies Workforce Development Board   Pennsylvania College of Technology   Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation Logo