About the College of Education
A Message from Dean Kimberly A. Lawless
Greetings and welcome. As the Dean of the College of Education at Penn State, I am excited to introduce you to our College.
I encourage all visitors to this site to explore the richness of the College of Education at Penn State. If you are a prospective student, I encourage you to explore the numerous residential and online programs of study we offer both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as the exciting research projects currently being explored by our faculty. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested in learning more about our work or have any additional questions. We respond promptly to questions submitted through our online contact form. You also can reach the dean’s office at 814-865-2526.
Again, welcome and best wishes.
College Leadership
- Kimberly A. Lawless, Dean
- Greg Kelly, Senior Associate Dean for Research
- Gwen Lloyd, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
- Leah Hollis, Associate Dean for Access, Equity, and Inclusion
- Rayne Sperling, Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Graduate Education
Department Heads
- Kevin Kinser, Education Policies Studies (EPS)
- Susan Land, Learning and Performance Systems (LPS)
- P. Karen Murphy, Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education (EPCSE)
- Scott McDonald, Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)
Advisory Council
Facts about the college:
Student Enrollment (Fall 2021)
- Undergraduate (University Park): 1,537
- Graduate (University Park and World Campus): 1,402
- TOTAL students: 2,939
Student Credit Hours (Summer, Fall, and Spring 2020-21)
- Resident: 44,140.50
- World Campus (online): 13,661
- Total Credit Hours (Resident and World Campus): 57,801.50
Programs and Degrees
- Undergraduate Programs
- 8 Bachelor’s Degrees: Teacher Education (6), Rehabilitation and Human Services, and Educational Policy and Practice
- 5 Minors: Social Justice, Addictions and Recovery, Early Development and Education, Education Policy Studies, Special Education
- 5 IUG programs
- 6 Certificates/Certifications (4 undergraduate, 2 graduate)
- Graduate Programs
- 24 Master’s Degrees (17 residential, 7 World Campus)
- 16 Doctoral Degrees (11 Ph.D., 4 D.Ed. + 1 D.Ed. in development on World Campus)
- Faculty
- Tenure Line Faculty: 116
- Teaching Faculty: 78
- TOTAL faculty: 194
- Staff
- Full-time exempt: 46
- Full-time non-exempt: 37
- Total staff: 83
Grants and Contracts
- College Administered Expenditures (2020-21): $16,073,000
- Number of active endowments: 293
- College Endowment Market Value (as of 10/1/2021): $78.8 million