College of Education Strategic Plan
The education of our children has long been held to be of great significance and a means by which a true meritocracy could be established in our country. Indeed, education is often called the “great equalizer.” Increasingly apparent, however, is that our education system has not fulfilled this social contract. As a College of Education, we acknowledge that our existing EC-12 and adult education systems, including the College of Education, have often failed to adequately identify and address the systemic inequities that impede many individuals from meeting their full potential. We recognize our education systems have often served to oppress many individuals, particularly people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, those with disabilities, and women. Recent events have laid bare the systemic racism that has exposed glaring inequities in the quality of education and educational services we provide children and adults in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and throughout our nation. As a College of Education, we have been committed to addressing these issues. Our faculty and students have focused on these issues and have worked diligently to improve the equity and inclusivity of our education systems. Yet, there is still much work to be done. The work of this strategic plan does not supplant the existing excellence of the work of this college across teaching, research and service, but builds upon this excellence by deepening our commitment to progressive social change through internal and external collaborative efforts to change education by educating for change.