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Curriculum and Instruction Field Experience (CIFE)

Planning on Becoming a Teacher?

As a teacher candidate, you will have the opportunity to observe and teach in settings that include diverse populations, students with special needs, and students of different ages as an integral part of the undergraduate education major. Read our overview on field experiences for students interested in childhood education (PK-4) and early adolescent education (4-8), secondary education (7-12), and world language education (K-12).


Student Teaching

Student teaching is the culminating field experience in the teacher education curriculum. Student teaching opportunities are provided at a variety of locations depending on the specific certification program.


You can find what clearances you will need for student teaching. Check what clearances are required for your classes.

Field Experiences

This page provides a general overview of field experiences. Detailed information about the various field experiences can be found on the web page that is specific to that field experience.


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