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The Department of Curriculum and Instruction offers a number of graduate assistantships each year. An assistant might teach, supervise students in their field experiences in schools, conduct research, or be assigned other duties. Interested prospective, full-time students must apply to the Department for consideration. The application process requires checking a box on the Graduate application, providing a letter of intent with statements of relevant experiences, and including a résumé. Clear evidence of superior abilities and promise are required. Graduate assistant appointments require that recipients commit to eighteen-week terms each year. Reappointment to assistantship is based on the availability of positions and the quality of service from the individual. Application deadline is February 1.

Assistantships vary as follows:

  • Quarter-time: In exchange for 10 hours work each week, the student receives a stipend and a grant-in-aid for resident tuition. Student typically schedules between 9 and 14 credits per semester.
  • Half-time: In exchange for 20 hours work each week, the student receives a larger stipend and a grant-in-aid for resident tuition. Student must enroll in 9 credits each term.
  • Three-quarter time: In exchange for 30 hours work each week, the student receives a larger stipend and a grant-in-aid for resident tuition. Student registers for 6 to 8 credits each semester.

After each year of service, graduate assistants can apply to the College of Education for six free credits of course work during the summer. Students' advisers must sign the formal request.