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The fingerprint-based background check is a multiple-step process, as follows:

  1. Registration - The applicant must register prior to going to the fingerprint site. Walk in service is allowed but all applicants are required to complete pre-enrollment in the new Universal Enrollment system. Pre-enrollment can be completed online or over the phone. The registration website is available online 24 hours/day, seven days per week at Telephonic registration is available at 1-844-321-2101 Monday through Friday, 8am to 6pm EST. During the pre-enrollment process, all demographic data for the applicant is collected (name, address, etc.) along with notices about identification requirements and other important information. 

    When registering on-line, an applicant must use the appropriate agency specific Service Code to ensure they are processed for the correct agency and/or applicant type.  Using the correct service code ensures the background check is submitted for the correct purpose.   Fingerprint requests processed through any other agency or purpose cannot be accepted and are not transferrable.  If an applicant enters the wrong code by mistake, the incorrect applicant type will appear at the top of the screen.  The applicant should select the “Back to Home” button and begin the process again, by reentering the correct Service Code. If the applicant proceeds with the process under the incorrect code, the pre-enrollment and/or results cannot be transferred to another state agency and the applicant will have to start the process over and pay for the background check again. 
  2. Payment - The applicant will pay a fee of $22.60 for the fingerprint service and to secure an unofficial copy of the Criminal History Record. Major Credit Cards as well as Money orders or cashier’s checks payable to MorphoTrust will be accepted on site for those applicants who are required to pay individually. No cash transactions or personal checks are allowed. 

    IDEMIA has also established a payment option for fingerprinting services for entities interested in paying the applicant’s fee. This new option provides a payment ‘coupon’ that the entity will provide to each applicant for use. Each coupon is unique and may only be used one time. Account applications must be completed prior to the applicant visiting the fingerprint site. The authorized representative must complete the account application.  To establish a billing account, visit the website and download an application. 
  3. Fingerprint Locations  – After registration, the applicant proceeds to the fingerprint site of their choice for fingerprinting. The location of the fingerprint sites and days and hours of operation for each site are posted on IDEMIA's website at The location of fingerprint sites may change over time; applicants are encouraged to confirm the site location nearest to their location. PDE encourages entities where access to the fingerprint location is more than 25 miles away to contact IDEMIA and suggest areas where another closer site could be established.
  4. Fingerprinting - At the fingerprint site the Enrollment Agents (EA) manages the fingerprint collection process. The fingerprint transaction begins when the EA reviews the applicant’s qualified State or Federal photo ID before processing the applicant’s transaction. A list of approved ID type may be found on the IDEMIA website at . Applicants will not be processed if they cannot produce an acceptable photo ID. After the identity of the applicant has been established, all ten fingers are scanned to complete the process. The entire fingerprint capture process should take no more than three to five minutes.
  5. Report Access – For the public or private school or higher education institution to access the official report via the electronic system, applicants must present their UEID to the hiring entity (as shown on the receipt provided after fingerprint capture). This process allows an applicant to provide multiple potential employers with their UEID, as the report is linked to the UEID number and not assigned to a specific school. If an applicant has lost their receipt or needs to confirm UEID, the applicant may visit the UEP website ( ) and simply check status of their file by providing alternate personal information. Applicants will enter their personal information after clicking in the lower portion of that screen to obtain their receipt with the UEID.

Note: Once an initial FBI clearance has been obtained, it is typically valid for 5 years as long as two conditions are true: 1) You have not committed any offenses in the intervening time period; and 2) You have maintained continuous enrollment at Penn State during all fall and spring semesters in the intervening time period.

There may be some cases in which a school district requires a renewal of the FBI clearance every year. In those instances, you must abide by the district's wishes and obtain a new clearance. If this is the case, you will be informed by your field experience supervisor.

  • Application can be submitted online with a credit card at:
  • THIS IS THE RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING! History record (if clear) comes up on screen immediately; print it out as your evidence OR application forms can be downloaded at:
    • See the Request a Criminal History Record Link to be taken to downloadable forms
    • Indicate EMPLOYMENT as the “Reason for Request”
    • For mailed form, allow 8-10 weeks for processing and mailing times.
    • For mailed form, payment must be made with certified check or money order (keep your receipt as evidence!)
    • Personal checks are not accepted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
  • Verification of a negative TB Test by either personal physician or University Health Center.
    • Students MUST make an appointment at the Health Center, and should be aware that it may NOT be possible to schedule an appointment the first week of the semester!
  • Allow 2-3 days for reading test
  • Students who prove positive must submit proof of x-ray examination and clearance by physician
  • There is no special form required; what the doctor submits is fine.
  • Available through private insurance carrier
  • Evidence consists of letter or policy statement
  • Must include reference to “professional” liability coverage
  • Concurrent with school year (September 1 – August 31);
  • Check expiration date to make sure that coverage will be in effect the entire practicum.

Information on the NSOR Clearance can be found here: Additional details include:

  1. No fee
  2. Purpose of NSOR is “Volunteer of a child-care provider, group-daycare home or family child care home.”
  3. May take up to 14 days after application has been submitted
  4. Must mail or email completed application to (Department of Human Services PO Box 8170 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8170: OR ([email protected])
  5. Make a copy of your completed application before mailing the application
  6. Link to the application:
  7. Applicants who do not possess a social security number must contact a ChildLine supervisor. The ChildLine supervisor will assist on how to apply for the NSOR verification, in the absence of a social security number.

Click here to download a printable copy of this form.

Please print this page. Then sign and date at the bottom and submit to your supervisor at the first seminar meeting.


Curriculum and Instruction Field Experiences
170 Chambers Building, University Park, PA 16802
Fax: (814) 865-1927


The College of Education, The Pennsylvania State University, works with a large number of school districts and early childhood centers each year in connection with field experiences required for teacher preparation programs. In each instance, we are able to place teacher education students in a particular setting because that educational setting has invited us to place prospective teachers and has agreed to work cooperatively with us in a particular segment of the teacher education program.


Teacher education students participating in field experience activities, University supervisors, and other personnel from The Pennsylvania State University who are in a school district or early childhood center are always there as guests.


Each educational setting with which The Pennsylvania State University has a working relationship has regulations, procedures, institutional practices, professional philosophies, and personal and professional expectations for teachers and teacher education students working in that setting.


A teacher education student enrolling in a course which requires an assignment to a field experience should understand that he/she is in that setting as a guest of the district or early childhood setting. Further, the acceptance of a field experience assignment indicates an understanding of this guest/host relationship and an understanding that the teacher education student is expected to abide by the calendar, regulations, procedures, institutional practices, and professional expectations of the particular school district or early childhood setting in which an assignment has been accepted.


As a teacher education student, I understand and agree to the principles governing field experiences, outlined above. Further, I understand that if my personal or professional behavior or my ability to work as an effective prospective teacher in the learning environment is not compatible with the expectations of that educational setting, I may be asked to leave by either the University or the host school or early childhood center.



Printed Name:___________________________________________





Download this pdf version of the above table to get the links for the required clearances. 

All required clearances must be valid at the beginning of each field experience. The clearances required for each Field Experience Course are listed below. A “✔” indicates the clearances required for that course.

Special Notes:

  • It is possible that some school districts will require that the clearances be valid for the entire length of the field experience and be less than a year old. In this case, you will have to apply for new clearances. The CIFE office staff will inform you if that is the case.
  • Professional Liability must be current throughout the entire experience. (If being added as a rider on an existing insurance policy, you must submit a copy of the addendum that states coverage is for “Professional Liability.”)
  • The Act 151 (Child Abuse Clearance) may take up to 10 weeks to process so allow ample time for processing. • The NSOR for CI 295A may take up to 10 weeks to process so allow ample time for processing.