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The master's degree, conferred on students who have completed a well-balanced, unified, and complete program of study, includes the preparation and acceptance of a high-quality master's thesis or master's paper, depending on the student's graduate major program. The master's degree in CIED is a dual-title degree and is given only to students who are admitted to master's programs at Penn State.


  • Complete a minimum of 12 CIED credits with study in the following curriculum categories:
    • 3 credits, CIED Proseminar 
    • 6 credits, advanced comparative and international education content courses 
    • 3 credits, advanced or focused comparative and international education content courses.

Some courses may satisfy both the graduate major program requirements and those of the CIED program. Final course selection is determined by the students in consultation with their CIED advisers and their major program advisers.

  • Write a master's thesis or paper on a topic related to comparative and international education. The thesis adviser must be a member of the Graduate Faculty of the major program and preferably a Core or Affiliate CIED faculty member.