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We Are...Mathematics Education

The Mathematics Education (MTHED) emphasis area centers graduate students, the assets they bring, and their personal goals to support them in developing into mathematics education scholars who will impact teaching, learning, research, and the lives of K-16 students. Members of the MTHED faculty are active thought leaders on a national and international scale. We conduct innovative, interdisciplinary research that has broad implications for the study and practice of mathematics education. We seek to engage teachers at all stages of their careers in the development of knowledge and teaching techniques that support deep conceptual mathematical understandings.

What We Do

  • Build and enhance research-based mathematics teaching and teacher education practices  

  • Build competencies and skills for conducting research in mathematics learning, teaching, and teacher education

  • Deepen knowledge of research findings in mathematics learning, teaching, and teacher education

  • Deepen understandings of school and advanced mathematics

  • Practice stewardship over mathematics education groups, communities, and organizations

  • Promote awareness and accountability for the social, cultural, historical, and political impact of mathematics education

Courses We Offer

  • Analysis of Research in Mathematics Education

  • Connections Between Mathematics and Mathematics Education

  • Foundations of Mathematics Education I: Learning

  • Foundations of Mathematics Education II: Teaching

  • Foundations of Mathematics Education III: Curriculum

  • Foundations of Mathematics Education IV: Teacher Development and Policy

  • Mathematical Thinking at the Secondary and Early College Levels

  • Projects in Mathematics Education Research, Curriculum Development, and Evaluation

  • Research on the Use of Technology in Mathematics Education


Programs of Study

Career Opportunities

MTHED graduates have found success in a variety of academic and professional settings, including positions at:

  • Educational leadership organizations 
  • K-12 schools 

  • Research-intensive universities 

  • Teaching-intensive universities

Meet The Faculty