
The College of Education's Curricular Affairs Committee reviews all course and program proposals submitted by departments. After the committee reviews and approves the proposals, they are forwarded to the Faculty Senate or the Graduate School.   Questions about the curricular process can be directed to David Borges ([email protected]).

The Curricular Affairs Committee includes representation from each of the College's four departments, as well as a representative from the Faculty Council.

Important Curriculum Dates

Important Curriculum Documentation

John Cheslock, Director, Department of Education Policy Studies

Susan Bass, Department of Education Policy Studies


Peggy Van Meter, Director, Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

Staff TBD, Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education


Heather Zimmerman, Director, Department of Learning Performance Systems

Susan Berzonsky, Department of Learning Performance Systems


Julia Plummer and Kimberly Powell, Directors, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Jeanette Tressler, Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Andrea McCloskey, College of Education Representative to the University Faculty Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs


TBD, College of Education Representative to the Graduate Council Subcommittee on New and Revised Programs and Courses


TBD, College of Education Faculty Council Member


Gwen Lloyd, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs

Rayne Sperling, Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

Christi McClellan, College of Education