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 Javier Casado Pérez

Dr. Javier Casado Pérez

Assistant Professor of Education

205 CEDAR Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education


  • Counselor Education


Javier F. Casado Pérez, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Education, Co Doctoral Degree Program Coordinator, and Research Associate in the Center for the Study of Higher Education at Penn State, University Park. They are an EPCSE elected senator in the 2024 – 2027 Penn State Faculty Senate.

Dr. Casado Pérez’s research interests include youth mental health literacy, mental health equity and justice, institutional accountability, everyday oppression, and minoritized faculty academic survival, racial trauma-informed sexual- and gender- affirming care, and critical research methodologies. Their current projects include the study of high school counselors’ mental health literacy building behaviors with youth of Color (supported by the 2024 King Family Impact Endowment); a comparative analysis of belonging and mattering among faculty of Color at predominantly white institutions and historically Black colleges and universities; and an equity-minded critical discourse analysis of counselor education curriculum—for which Dr. Casado Pérez was selected as a 2023 – 2024 College of Education Equity Fellowship. They also serve as Co-Editor of the Teaching Practice Briefs, a publication of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision, and CounseLion, the Penn State Counselor Education Student-Produced Newsletter. Dr. Casado Pérez sits on the editorial boards of the Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development (2017 – Present), Journal of Specialists in Group Work (2017 – Present), and Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association (2015 – Present). They have appeared on The Thoughtful Counselor, Oregon State University’s Counseling Research and Leadership Lab, and The Leading Equity Summit.

Dr. Casado Pérez currently teaches CNED 589 Seminar on Counseling Supervision and CNED 595D Supervision of Counselors.

Areas of Expertise

Age Levels



Instructional Design

Educational Studies

Critical & Feminist Theory
Educational Theory

Individual Difference

Family Processes
Learning Processes
Sexual Orientation

Methodological Research

Discourse Analysis
Institutional Research
Interpretive Research
Qualitative Research

Social Issues

Civil Rights and Education
Race and Ethnicity

Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

Career Counseling
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Clinical Supervision