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Maria Border

Maria Border

Instructor of Education (WFED)

409C Keller Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • Professional Personnel Development Center for Career and Technical Education (PPDC)


Maria Border is an Instructor of Education (WFED) for the College of Education at Penn State. Maria Border is a Registered Nurse and a Professional Personnel Development Center Instructor.  She applies the knowledge and skills she has attained through her background as a nurse and an educator to support Health Occupations’ Instructors and Career and Technical Educators throughout the commonwealth of PA.  Maria recognizes the unique role Nurse Educators must play in developing and educating future quality health professionals.  She strives to provide practical and meaningful resources for educators to create positive student outcomes.  Maria also collaborates with the Pennsylvania Department of Education to deliver the Nurse Aide, Train the Educator Workshops. Maria serves as Chair for the annual Strategies Conference:  Educational Excellence for Healthcare Providers and Educators and is involved with developing and delivering professional development materials for career and technical instructors throughout the Commonwealth of Pa.  

Areas of Expertise

Age Levels



Classroom Management
Instructional Methods and Design
Learning Sciences

Curriculum Areas

Workforce Ed

Education Levels

Adult Education
Professional Education
Secondary/High School

Education Types

Continuing Ed
Distance Ed

Educational Studies


Individual Difference

Learning Processes

Leadership Preparation

Teacher Prep

Teacher Preparation

In-service Teachers
Professional Development
Professional Development Schools

Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

Educational Psychology

Human Resources and Work

Career Development
Workforce and Vocational Ed
Workplace Training