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Monday, April 19th: Kickoff

6:00-7:30 PM: Angela Davis Keynote:

Education Justice: Incarceration, Carceral Education & Abolitionist Pedagogy

Dr. Angela Davis is a civil rights leader, educator, and abolitionist activist. She is a professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and author of several books on race, class, feminism, and the U.S. prison system. Her talk will explore carcerality, its history, and relationship to systemic oppression, and the role abolitionist, liberatory pedagogy can play for educators, especially those working with students that are incarcerated or previously incarcerated, in and out of carceral settings. From 7-7:30 the organizers of the event will share some ways you can get involved on campus and off in carceral reform and education.

Register Here:

This event is sponsored by the College of EducationOffice of Educational EquityCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory DepartmentLatina/o StudiesRock Ethics InstituteAfrican American StudiesDepartment of Communication Arts and SciencesWomen's, Gender, and Sexuality StudiesGeorge and Ann Richards Civil War Era Center, and Students’ Restorative Justice Initiative.