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Jeff Remington

Jeff Remington

CSATS Outreach Liaison

182 Chambers Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • Center for Science and the Schools (CSATS)


In his current role as STEM Outreach Liaison for the College of Education's Center for Science and the Schools at Penn State, Jeff oversees outreach engagement activities, develops Broader Impact resources, manages digital media platforms, and adds value to stakeholder connections through leadership roles in the Engine STEM Ecosystem and the Pennsylvania Statewide STEM Ecosystem (PSSE).


Jeff Remington has enthusiastically championed the power of science, technology, education, and mentorship to improve people's lives. As a lifelong learner himself, he especially enjoys being on the giving and receiving end of educational mentorship opportunities. Jeff studied the sciences and education at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Adult Training and Development at Pennsylvania State University. He has had a fulfilling 35-year career teaching middle school science and a 25-year career teaching in Lebanon Valley College’s Masters of STEM Education program, the undergraduate education program, and as a thesis advisor. In addition, Jeff has done Science and Technology training and consulting for businesses, professional organizations, non-profits, government agencies, and community organizations from Haiti to the United Arab Emirates.


Through the encouragement and kindness of many mentors, Jeff has received numerous accolades, including the 2002 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching, The Paul DeHart Hurd Award for Exemplary Middle-Level Science Teaching and Leadership, and The Nevelyn J. Knisley Award for Inspirational Teaching by a Lebanon Valley College Adjunct Faculty Member and is one of ten National Teacher STEM Ambassadors selected and trained by the National Science Teaching Association and The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Jeff is especially passionate about bringing educational opportunities to those with limited access. Along with his wife, Helen, he has helped to create and sustain science and technology classrooms in St. Marc, Haiti. He has been an advocate for decreasing the digital divide that exists between developed and underdeveloped nations.  As a trained STEM advocate, Jeff played a grassroots leadership role in adopting and implementing the 2022 Pennsylvania Science, Technology, Engineering, Environmental Literacy, and Sustainability (STEELS) academic standards, serving on numerous state leadership committees.