
Articles Of Authority including the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules of Order of the Faculty Council of the College of Education
Ratified by Senate Council: October 9, 2018


Principles Underlying "Consultation" and Governance

The fundamental principle underlying these documents is that the most effective system of governance is one in which the faculty and the administration have a mutual concern for the successful operation of the College. That concern requires a participatory system of shared governance in which the faculty and the administration consult with each other. Shared governance and effective mutual consultation rest upon full and open access to information respecting the operation of the College. Both the faculty members and the administration shall have equal access to all such information. Those who would restrict the free flow of information bear the responsibility for justifying that restriction.

Secondly, the Constitution takes into account the ultimate responsibility of administrators for the operation of the College and the necessity of providing them with sufficient flexibility to develop their leadership styles as they may benefit the College and University as well as individual programs and faculty members within the College. This principle thereby acknowledges that administrators within the College have responsibilities to higher level University administration while they serve as leaders and representatives of the College faculty and as facilitators of College affairs.

Thirdly, the participatory system of governance established in the Constitution requires that College administrators seek and respond to appropriate faculty consultation on matters that affect the programs and the faculty of the College. This is not to say that administrators must always follow the advice gained through such consultation, but that they must at least be accountable for seeking and responding to faculty views.

Fourthly, faculty-administration consultation is understood to have the following requirements: (1) Consultation shall take place early in the process of formulating alternatives, i.e., prior to the formulation of positions; (2) Both the administration and the portion of the faculty involved in consultation shall have a reasonable amount of time to consider an issue; (3) Both the faculty and the administration shall have equal access to data relevant to the issue under consideration; (4) The portion of the faculty consulted shall represent an appropriate sample for the given issue; (5) When faculty advice is given but not followed, the administration shall provide reasons for not following that advice.

Because faculty members and administrators see the College from different viewpoints, their judgments will vary. Administration exists to facilitate the fulfilling of the mission of the College by the faculty. Faculty members cannot and should not be responsible for day-to-day administration, which underlie the routine operation of the College. Administrators need to serve the faculty, yet cannot be so tightly bound by rules that they have no liberty for personal style in their work.

These considerations having been recognized, the following statements summarize the relationship between the faculty and the administration which these documents have been designed to effect:

(1) Administrators are responsible for consulting the faculty.

(2) The faculty is responsible for advising the administrators.

(3) Consultation shall be understood to mean requesting specific advice from one or more of the following groups of the faculty, as representing the “appropriate sample” stipulated above:

(a) The Faculty Council

(b) The faculty committees having jurisdiction over the matters in question

(c) The head of departments as a body

(d) The Senators representing the College

Consultation is called for in at least the following cases:

(a)The appointment of the Dean

(b) The appointment of assistant and associate deans

(c) The recruitment, appointment, and development of faculty

(d) The establishment of criteria for the evaluation of performance

(e) The development of annual budgets for the College and the various departments

(f) The establishment of policies and procedures respecting faculty salaries and promotions

(g) The formation of administrative units at University Park and other locations

(h) The addition or termination of programs

(i) The planning and evaluation of programs

(j) The definition of the goals of research and the provision of conditions to sustain it

(k) The establishment of policies respecting admission and retention of students

Finally, the acceptance of the principle of mutual accountability by both the faculty and the administration is necessary if the system of governance established in the Constitution is to be effective. This requires the evaluation of both the administration and the faculty by each other as well as the evaluation of individuals by their peers.

Amendments Articles of Authority - Preamble

- 11/8/90, 3c, 4e


College of Education Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rule of Order


The faculty shall elect a council to represent them in legislative and other functions appropriate for the College and its subdivisions as described in the Articles which follow. Nothing in this Constitution shall be in conflict with the articles governing the University Faculty Senate, the rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees or the laws of Pennsylvania and the Nation. Rights and responsibilities of the faculty reside in the body as a whole which may rescind acts of the Council.

The authority vested in this constitution has been delegated by the University Faculty Senate.

Article I

The Functions of the Faculty Council

Section 1

The Faculty Council of the College of Education shall have the following functions:

A. Legislative Function: To serve as the sole legislative body representing the College faculty as a whole. Its actions shall be authoritative on all matters that pertain to the educational interests of the College (graduate and undergraduate instruction, research, and continuing education) and on all educational matters that concern the faculty of more than one department, subject to policies and procedures of the University Faculty Senate and the Graduate Council and to the approval of the Dean of the College. The matters within the legislative jurisdiction of the Faculty Council are the following:

(1) instructional program

(2) courses and programs of study

(3) academic admissions standards

(4) retention and graduation requirements

(5) scholarships and honors

(6) research policy

(7) undergraduate and graduate student and faculty concerns

B. Advisory and Consultative Function: To act as a consultative and advisory body to the Dean, both corporately and through any of its constituent parts, on any matter that may affect the attainment of the educational objectives of the College, including:

(1) the establishment, reorganization, or discontinuation of organizational units and areas of instruction or research

(2) policies concerning the planning and use of physical facilities when these may affect the attainment of the educational objectives of the College

(3) policies and administration of the libraries and other information resources of the College

(4) policies affecting College development and utilization of resources

(5) matters pertaining to the general welfare of the College

(6) overall educational policy and planning, including program balance

(7) faculty affairs, including academic, research, and continuing education personnel

(8) student affairs

(9) general admissions policy

(10) other appropriate matters

C. Monitoring Function: It shall endeavor to monitor the actions of College administrators and faculty members, to ensure that their duties and responsibilities are faithfully executed and that the spirit, as well as the letter, of the principles of consultation are an integral part of the decision-making process within the College.

D. Forensic Function: To serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas among the members of the College faculty. Members of the College faculty who are not members of the Council shall have the right to attend meetings as observers and may be granted the privilege of the floor in accordance with rules established by the Council.

Section 2

The Faculty Council shall interpret its legislation.

Section 3

In case of a question of legislative jurisdiction, the power of decision shall rest with the Dean of the College.

Section 4

The authority of the Faculty Council shall not prevent departments from regulating their affairs. Action by departments shall not be inconsistent with College-wide policy as enacted by the Council.


Article II

Membership of the Faculty Council

Section 1

For the purpose of defining the electorate of the Faculty Council, the term College faculty shall mean all persons in the College of Education holding an academic rank as described in AC 21. Questions of interpretation shall be ruled on by the Elections Commission.

Section 2

The Faculty Council shall be elected by the College faculty from among its members, except for the Dean, the Dean’s appointee and student-elected members.

Section 3

The Faculty Council shall consist of voting and non-voting members, as follows:

(1) Each formally designated department will elect two (2) voting representatives, at least one of whom must be tenured.

(2) Faculty Council Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past-Chair (all elected at-large by the College of Education faculty) will serve as voting members.

(3) The Dean and Dean’s Representative shall be ex-officio, non-voting members.

(4) The College of Education Undergraduate Student Association shall elect one (1) non-voting representative. The College of Education Graduate Student Association shall elect one (1) non-voting representative.

Section 4

The normal term of an elected faculty member of the Faculty Council shall be two (2) years. As nearly as possible, one-half (1/2) of the total number of elected faculty members of the Council shall be elected each year. A faculty member shall not be eligible for election to membership for more than two (2) consecutive terms. A new member filling in for a resigned Faculty Council member (whether the new member is appointed or elected) shall not have this service count as one of the two (2) consecutive terms.

Section 5

If an Executive Secretary, who may be a College of Education staff member, is to be appointed by the Executive Committee of Faculty Council to aid the Council in the performance of its duties, then the appointment should be for a period of one year and made in April. The Executive Secretary shall be nonvoting but shall have the privileges of the floor.

Section 6

In the event that the number of formally designated departments in the College of Education changes, duly elected voting representatives shall be permitted to complete their normal terms. Consolidated departments shall not be compelled to hold new elections mid-term for their voting representatives, but any future elections shall be for a total of only two (2) voting representatives from among the consolidated faculties. Newly created departments shall hold elections, as soon as practicable, to elect two (2) voting representatives from among the departmentally constituted faculty, one of whom shall be elected for a term of one (1) year that shall not count toward the allowed consecutive terms and the other for a normal term of two (2) years beginning with the semester of their election.


Article III

Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the CONSTITUTION consistent with University policy may be adopted at any meeting of the Faculty Council by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present, provided that the amendment shall have been presented in writing at the preceding regular meeting. The College faculty shall be informed of any proposed amendments before they are adopted. Such amendments shall not be in effect until they have been approved by three-fourths (3/4) of the faculty voting at a regular meeting of the College faculty and by the Dean, communicated to the Executive Director of the University Faculty Senate, and approved by the University Faculty Senate. It is clarified here that electronic voting or another alternative balloting procedure can be held in lieu of a voting at a physical meeting.


Article IV

Call for Referenda to College Faculty

In the event that action taken by the Council appears contrary to the interests of the faculty, the faculty may petition the Council to conduct a referendum for the issue under consideration. Upon receipt of a petition from 20 percent of the faculty, the Council is obligated to conduct a referendum of the faculty for the issue under consideration.


Amendments Articles of Authority - Constitution

3/1/77, Article II, Sec. 4

- 4/15/76, Article II, Sec. 4

- 8/16/78, Article II, Sec. 5(8)

- 3/20/80, Article II, Sec. 3,4

- 9/16/83, Article II, Sec. 6

- 1/20/83, Article II, Sec. 6

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 1

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 4

- 11/8/90, Article II, Sec. 4

- 4/21/94, Article II, Sec. 6

- 5/2/95, Article II, Sec. 2

- 5/2/95, Article II, Sec. 3

- 5/2/95, Article II, Sec. 4

- 12/9/99, Article II, Sec. 3

- 3/18/04, Article II, Sec. 3

- 2/21/13, Article II, Sec. 3, 6

-2/21/13, Article III

-11/16/17, Article I, Sec. 1

-11/16/17, Article II, Sec. 1

-11/16/17, Article II, Sec. 3

-11/16/17, Article III, Sec. 1




Article I

The Officers of the Faculty Council

Section 1

The Chair-Elect will be elected through a general election held each year. Nominations shall be made by members of the College faculty. Any College faculty member with tenure in the College at the time of election is eligible to stand for election. The newly elected Chair-Elect will serve on the Council’s Executive Committee, serve as secretary in Year 1, and be a voting member of the Council for three years: Year 1 as Chair-Elect; Year 2 as Chair; and Year 3 as Past-Chair. If a current departmental representative to the Council is elected Chair-Elect, the member’s department will elect a replacement for the remainder of the vacated term. Direct consultation between officers of the Council and members of the administration and faculty of the College is encouraged. However, such consultation shall not be construed as Council action.

Section 2

The Chair shall be the presiding officer of the Faculty Council. The Chair may appoint a Parliamentarian from the College faculty, who shall serve at the pleasure of the incumbent. The Parliamentarian shall vote only if elected to membership on the Council.

Section 3

The Chair-Elect, in addition to the duties customarily or specifically assigned to that office, shall assume the duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent.

Section 4

The Chair shall prepare and publish the Council notices and agenda. The Chair-Elect as secretary shall keep the official roll; shall prepare and publish the minutes of Council meetings; and shall perform such other duties as may be customarily or specifically assigned to that office.



Article II

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council

Section 1

(1) Except as provided for in Subsection (3) below, the Executive Committee will be the mechanism of the Faculty Council without legislative authority. It shall coordinate the activities of the Committees and other functions of the Council. It shall serve as an advisory body to the Dean of the College. It shall discuss, coordinate, and review means for putting legislation into effect, and it may initiate legislation in the same manner as a Standing Committee. It shall review all actions of those faculty bodies to which responsibility has previously been delegated by the Council.

(2) The Executive Committee shall participate with appropriate administrative officers in establishing procedures and committees for the review of College and Department administrators.

(3) In the event that the Chair of the Council declares the existence of a situation of special College concern, and in the event that the Council cannot be rapidly convened, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to act for the Council in all matters until this authority is terminated by actions of the Council.

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall include:

(1) the Chair of the Faculty Council, who shall act as convener and presiding officer

(2) the Chair-Elect of the Council

(3) the immediate Past-Chair of the Council

(4) the Faculty Council Representatives of Standing Committees

The Dean of the College may attend any meeting of the Executive Committee, as a non-voting member, as convenience dictates.

Section 3

Each year it will be necessary to elect only a Chair-Elect.

Section 4

A Chair-Elect elected during his/her second year on the Faculty Council will be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee and will be granted the right to vote only in the case of a tie.



Article III

Election to the Faculty Council

Section 1

There should be, whenever possible, at least two nominations for each departmental representative to the Council to be elected, and at least twice as many nominations for at-large posts as there are at-large members to be elected.

Election to the Faculty Council shall be in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) Nominations shall be made by members of the College faculty. Every member of the electorate shall be provided with an opportunity to place names in nomination.

(2) Election shall be by secret ballot.

Section 2

Student members of the Faculty Council shall be nominated and elected by their respective student bodies for one-year terms.

Section 3

The names of newly elected and newly appointed members of the Faculty Council who will serve during the following year shall be reported to the Council at the final meeting of the year.

Section 4

Any elected member of the Faculty Council who expects to be unable to participate in Faculty Council activities for six (6) consecutive months must resign membership in the Council. Any elected member who expects to be absent from Council activities for three (3) but fewer than six (6) Faculty Council meetings, shall notify the Chair so an appropriate alternate may serve as a temporary replacement. In the event any member wishes to be represented at a Council meeting where s/he cannot be present, the member shall be authorized to send a proxy representative. Faculty Council members are expected to attend regularly scheduled Council meetings. Members who are unable to attend regularly should inform the Chair so that an election for a replacement may be held.

Section 5

In case an elected member of the Faculty Council needs to be replaced, the Executive Committee shall appoint the next available alternate in the appropriate election category. The Committee shall notify the Council of its actions.

Section 6

The Executive Committee of the Faculty Council shall conduct all elections.




Article IV

Council Committees

Section 1

The structure and composition of all Standing Committees, except the Executive Committee, shall be approved by the Faculty Council with only the following stipulations:

(1) All personnel and students of the College of Education (except where otherwise stipulated) are eligible for appointment to Council committees.

(2) A faculty member of the Council shall serve as a Faculty Council representative on all committees.

(3) The membership of any Standing Committee shall be as designated in the Standing Rules.

Section 2

Direct consultation between Faculty Council Committees and other representatives of the Council on the one hand and members of the administration and faculty of the College on the other hand is encouraged. However, such consultation shall not be construed as Council action. Thus, Faculty Council Committees are not legislative bodies. Their function is to investigate, advise and recommend actions to the Faculty Council.


Article V

Meetings of the Faculty Council

Section 1

Regular meetings of the Faculty Council shall be held once each month, from September to April. For the summer session, Section 5 of this Article will apply. The calendar for regular meetings of the Council shall be prepared by the Executive Committee and published in a timely manner.

Section 2

Upon the request of the Dean of the College, the Chair shall convene the Faculty Council for the purpose of receiving information about the state of the College, special requests for advice, and recommendations for Council action.

Section 3

Upon receiving a written petition signed by at least twenty (20) members of the College faculty, the Chair shall convene the Faculty Council to consider the proposals of the petitioners, provided their written petition contains:

(1) a statement of the purpose of the petition

(2) the names of three faculty members whom the petitioners have designated to meet with the Executive Committee and whom the signatories of the petition have authorized to discuss, confirm, modify, or withdraw their request for a special meeting of the Council

Section 4

If, in the judgment of the Chair, there exists a situation of special concern to the College, the Chair shall have the authority, upon consultation (if possible) with the Chair-Elect and the Secretary of the Council and with the Dean of the College, to convene the Council.

Section 5

The Chair of the Faculty Council may at any time convene other special meetings of the Council for such purposes as are deemed necessary for the effective discharge of the business of the Council.

Section 6

The date of any subsequent meeting of the Faculty Council may be changed by a majority vote of the members present at any meeting.

Section 7

College faculty will be kept informed of Council actions and plans, and such other matters as may be of interest to the faculty by way of the Faculty Council Website (see The Standing Rules of Order of the Faculty Council, Article I, Section 7), and by an open invitation to attend scheduled meetings of the Faculty Council.



Article VI


Section 1

A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of at least one half (fifty percent) of the total number of voting members of the Faculty Council.



Article VII

Referenda of the College Faculty

Section 1

The Council may conduct referenda of the College Faculty.




Article VIII

Rules of Procedures of the Faculty Council

Section 1

The Council shall establish its rules of procedure.




Article IX

Amendments to the Bylaws

Section 1

Amendments to the BYLAWS may be adopted at any meeting of the Faculty Council by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present, provided that the amendments shall have been presented in writing at the preceding regular meeting. Successful amendments shall be communicated to the Executive Director of the University Faculty Senate. An amendment shall take effect upon approval by the University Faculty Senate.

Articles of Authority Amendments -Bylaws

- 5/20/75, Article IV, Sec. 1(3)

- 8/16/78, Article III, Sec. 3(11)

- 8/16/78, Article III, Sec. 4(11)

- 8/16/78, Article III, Sec. 5(11)

- 8/16/78, Article III, Sec. 6(12)

- 2/20/80, Article III, Sec. 3

- 2/20/80, Article IV, Sec. 1(2)

- 2/20/80, Article V, Sec. 1

- 2/20/80, Article IV, Sec. 1

- 1/20/83, Article III, Sec. 3

- 1/20/83, Article V, Sec. 1

- 4/19/84, Article III, Sec. 4, Sec. 5

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 2

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 3

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 4

- 11/8/90, Article II, Sec. 1

- 11/8/90, Article II, Sec. 2

- 11/8/90, Article II, Sec. 3

- 11/8/90, Article III, Sec. 1

- 11/8/90, Article IV, Sec. 1

- 11/8/90, Article V, Sec. 2

- 11/8/90, Article V, Sec. 3

- 11/8/90, Article V, Sec. 4

- 11/8/90, Article V, Sec. 5

- 4/21/94, Article I, Sec. 4

- 4/21/94, Article II, Sec. 1(1)

- 4/21/94, Article II, Sec. 3

- 4/21/94, Article III, Sec. 3

- 4/21/94, Article IV

- 4/21/94, Article IV, Sec. 3

- 4/21/94, Article V, Sec. 7

- 5/2/95, Article I, Sec. 3

- 5/2/95, Article II, Sec. 2

- 5/2/95, Article II, Sec. 4

- 5/2/95, Article II, Sec. 5

- 5/2/95, Article III, Sec. 2

- 5/2/95, Article III, Sec. 3

- 5/2/95, Article III, Sec. 6

- 5/2/95, Article IV, Sec. 2

- 5/2/95, Article IV, Sec. 3

- 5/2/95, Article VI, Sec. 1

- 12/9/99, Article I, Sec. 1

- 12/9/99, Article I, Sec. 3

- 12/9/99, Article II, Sec. 2(2)

- 12/9/99, Article II, Sec. 4

- 12/9/99, Article II, Sec. 5

- 12/9/99, Article V, Sec. 4

- 4/15/10, Article I, Sec. 1

- 4/15/10, Article I, Sec. 4

- 4/15/10, Article II, Sec. 2

- 4/15/10, Article II, Sec. 3

- 4/15/10, Article II, Sec. 4

- 4/15/10, Article III, Sec. 4

- 4/15/10, Article IV, Sec. 1

- 4/15/10, Article IV, Sec. 2

- 4/15/10, Article V, Sec. 3

- 4/15/10, Article V, Sec. 7

- 2/21/13, Article II, Sec. 4

-2/21/13, Article II, Sec. 1, 2

- 2/21/13, Article VI, Sec. 1

-11/16/17, Article II, Sec. 2

-11/16/17, Article IV, Sec. 1

-11/16/17, Article IX, Sec. 1



Article I

Rules of Procedure

Section 1

(1) The rules of procedure in meetings of the Faculty Council, except as may be otherwise specified in the Council’s Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules, shall be those of the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. All motions, except as may be otherwise specified in these documents, shall be determined by a majority of the votes cast. Roll call votes may be initiated only by the decision of the Chair or by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of members present and voting. The role of the Parliamentarian is advisory only.

Section 2

The order of business at each regular meeting of the Faculty Council shall be as follows:

(1) minutes of the preceding meeting

(2) announcements by the Chair

(3) communications to the Council

(4) comments by the Dean of the College

(5) reports of Standing Committees

(6) reports of special and Ad Hoc committees

(7) news from faculty senate

(8) unfinished legislative business

(9) new legislative business

(10) forensic business

(11) comments and recommendations for the good of the College

The order of business may be changed by the Executive Committee prior to any meeting or at any regular meeting of the Council by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present.

Section 3

The order of business for any special meeting of the Faculty Council shall be determined by the Chair of the Council.

Section 4

The agenda for each regular meeting of the Faculty Council and appendices shall be distributed to all members of the Council, and to all non-council members of Council committees, six (6) days before the meeting to which they pertain.

Each academic department of the College, the Undergraduate Student Council, and the Graduate Student Association shall also be sent the aforesaid regular agenda with appendices at the same time as Council members.

Section 5

The Chair of the Faculty Council may appoint such special committees as are deemed necessary to consider matters not already assigned to Standing Committees. These special committees shall be terminated no later than the end of the Council year unless reappointed by the new Chair of the Council. They shall file reports of their actions for inclusion on the College Faculty Council Website.

Section 6

(1) To introduce new legislative business, a Council member may address a communication indicating the item of business which s/he wishes to be considered to the Chair of the Faculty Council, to any member of an appropriate Standing Committee, or to a member of the Executive Committee. A Council member may also request, on the Council floor, that such new business be referred to committee by the Chair. These procedures represent the normal means for introducing new legislation, permitting detailed study by any appropriate Standing Committees, but a Council member may introduce new legislation of exceptional urgency by a direct motion from the floor. When such a motion has been made and seconded, it shall be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council, unless the Chair calls a special meeting to consider the motion before the next regular meeting.

(2) Forensic business provides an opportunity to discuss any matter which any Council member thinks is of concern to the College. To introduce forensic business, a Council member must present to the Chair a written title and brief summary of the matter to be discussed at least seven (7) days before the meeting at which consideration of the matter is proposed. The member's name will then be placed on the agenda together with the title and summary.

(3) Any member of the College faculty or administration who is not a member of the Council may request the privilege of the floor on any item of legislative or forensic business already before the Council. Such a request must be made to the Chair at least four (4) calendar days before the meeting at which the faculty member or administrator wishes to speak.

(4) At the discretion of the Chair of the Council, any member of the College or University community, including members of the Board of Trustees, University faculty, administration, student body, or staff not a member of the Council, may be granted the privilege of the floor to make comments and recommendations for the good of the College. A written request shall be made to the Chair at least four (4) calendar days prior to the meeting for which the privilege is requested.

(5) The Chair shall have the authority to limit the time granted to any non-member of the Council.

(6) Any matter of forensic business shall become legislative business if it is made the subject of a motion on which a vote of the Council is required. When such a motion has been made and seconded, the matter shall be laid on the table until the next regular meeting of the Council, unless the Chair calls a special meeting of the Council to consider this motion before the next regular meeting.

(7) Matters of forensic business shall not be the subject of any motion until the Chair declares the forensic discussion period to be at an end. Any Council member wishing to make any matter of forensic business a matter of legislative business may do so under the provisions of Section 6 (1).

(8) Only members of the Council may introduce new legislative or forensic business.

(9) The rules of this Section may be suspended only by unanimous consent of the members present.

Section 7

The Faculty Council shall publish a record of its proceedings to be included on the College Faculty Council Website prior to the next meeting and this record shall contain:

(1) the actual agenda of the meeting

(2) the minutes of the meeting

(3) summaries of remarks made before the Council

(4) an enumeration of documents distributed prior to the meeting

(5) the documents distributed at the door of the meeting

(6) such other items as the Chair shall direct

Copies of Faculty Council minutes shall be deposited, and may be done electronically, in the Office of the Dean of the College.

Section 8

(1) The elective year of the Faculty Council shall begin with the close of the April meeting. The terms of Council officers and Executive Committee members shall be from the April meeting in one year until the April meeting of the next. Names of newly elected Council members shall be reported at the April meeting of the Council and their terms shall begin at the April meeting.

Section 9

Procedures for Formation of Committees

(1) Names for Faculty Council representatives to the Council will be solicited from Faculty Council members and Deans. The Executive Committee will make the final decision regarding Faculty Council appointments to committees. At the April meeting, the Executive Committee shall present for Council’s approval the roster of Standing Committee Representatives. Representatives may also serve as committee Chairs or Vice-Chairs with approval of the Council.

(2) Each department not represented by a Faculty Council Representative will then elect one representative to serve on that committee.

(3) Committee appointments shall be for one year with the possibility of reappointment.

(4) When a member of a Council Committee resigns before the appointment expires, the replacement procedure shall be the same as that for initial appointment.



Article II

Faculty Council Committee Structure

Section 1

The Chair of the Faculty Council is a non-voting ex-officio member of all Standing Committees, but may be represented by any elected faculty member of the Council as a personal representative at meetings of any committee.

Section 2

All Standing Committees are encouraged to invite other persons to render such testimony or advice on particular questions as may be judged useful. They are also encouraged to appoint ad hoc subcommittees when the need arises.

Section 3

All Faculty Council Committees will be available for consultation with the Dean of the College or with members of the Dean's staff.

Section 4

Committees of the Faculty Council


Standing Committees

(1) Committee on Curricular Affairs

Membership: Membership consists of a member from each department, and one elected Faculty Council member. The Dean’s representative and the College representatives to the University Senate Committee on Curricular Affairs shall be ex-officio members.

Duties: The Committee on Curricular Affairs shall review and evaluate all proposals respecting courses and curricula submitted by the Departments before they go to Senate. It shall study the existing course and curricula of the College, shall make recommendations for changes when they appear justified, and shall report annually to the Council. It shall maintain such liaison with the Dean's Office and with the University Senate as may be necessary to gain acceptance for its recommendations.


(2) Committee on Faculty, Staff and Student Concerns

Membership: Membership consists of a member from each department, one of whom must be an elected Faculty Council member. An undergraduate student, a graduate student, and the Dean's appointee shall be non-voting members.

Duties: The Committee shall be concerned with problems and issues related to overall educational policy. It shall serve as the body of the Council advisory to the Dean on those matters which affect the attainment of the educational objectives of the College. It shall advise the Council on matters of policy related to faculty affairs, including such specific matters as appointment, promotion, tenure, leaves, salaries, and faculty rights and responsibilities. It shall evaluate the effectiveness of the ombudsman procedure for clarifying the rights and responsibilities of faculty members, and it shall design and carry out a procedure for filling the position with an ombudsman acceptable to the College faculty. The Committee shall also establish and monitor College grievance procedures in coordination with established University-wide grievance mechanisms. It shall be concerned with all matters related to the outreach efforts of the College. It shall maintain appropriate liaison with the Dean's Office and shall recommend to the Council such legislation or advisory action as seems appropriate. The Committee shall also be responsible for making all awards in the College.


(3) Committee on Graduate Studies and Research Policy

Membership: All Representatives must be a Category R member of the Graduate Faculty. Membership consists of a member from each department, one of whom must be an elected Faculty Council member, and a Dean’s Representative. The Dean’s Representative shall be a non-voting member.

Duties: The Committee serves a coordinating function for all matters concerning graduate programs. It shall recommend to Council legislation or advice when any matter concerning graduate programs is not treated adequately by the committees having more specific functions. In addition, the Committee shall be concerned with all matters related to research policy in the College, maintain appropriate liaison with the Dean's Office, and recommend to the Council such legislative or advisory action as seems appropriate.


(4) Committee on Technology

Membership: One Representative from elected members of Faculty Council and one College faculty representative shall be members of the Committee. A graduate student and the Dean’s representative shall be non-voting members.

Duties: The Technology Committee shall be concerned with all matters related to academic and administrative uses of technology in the College, maintain appropriate liaison with the Dean’s representative, and recommend to the Council such legislative or advisory action as seems appropriate.


Ad Hoc Committees

(1) Ad Hoc Committees

Ad hoc committees may be constituted at the discretion of the Faculty Council. The creation of an ad hoc committee may be recommended by any member of Council or the Dean. Membership on ad hoc committees will be determined by the Executive Committee in consultation with the parties requesting the formation of the ad hoc committee.


Special Committees

(1) Committee on Promotion and Tenure

This committee shall be a special committee of the Faculty Council.

Membership: This Committee shall be composed of seven (7) tenured members of the College faculty. No more than two members from a single department may be on the committee. Five (5) members will be elected by the tenure track faculty in the College, with selection of members with the greatest number of votes as long as that will not result in more than two members from any one department. Where the election would result in more than two members from a department, selection will move to the candidate with the next highest votes. Two (2) members will be appointed by the Dean of the College making sure that no more than two members come from any one department. In the event that a member of the Promotion and Tenure Committee must be replaced, whenever possible, the replacement will be the person who received the next highest vote tally from any department that does not already have two members serving on the committee.

Selection: This Committee shall be constituted prior to departmental elections of their Promotion and Tenure Committees. The Chair of this Committee shall be elected from among its membership. Procedures for the election, selection and operation of the Committee will be as specified below and shall be in agreement with established University policy and procedures:

(a) At least three (3) of the five (5) elected members must hold rank of full professor.

(b) No member may serve concurrently on more than one committee or subcommittee dealing primarily with promotion and tenure considerations (i.e., Department level, College level, University level).

Duties: This Committee shall review candidates for promotion and tenure and shall report its recommendations to the Dean.


Article III

Amendments to the Standing Rules

Section 1

(1) Amendments to the STANDING RULES may be adopted at any meeting of the Faculty Council, where a quorum is met, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present, provided that the amendments shall have been presented in writing at the preceding regular meeting. Successful amendments shall be communicated to the Executive Director of the University Faculty Senate. An amendment shall take effect upon approval by the University Faculty Senate.


Articles of Authority Amendments - Standing Rules

- 7/15/76, Article II, Sec. 4(8)

- 8/16/78, Article I, Sec. 8

- 8/16/78, Article I, Sec. 2(16)

- 8/16/78, Article I, Sec. 9(20,3)

- 8/16/78, Article I, Sec. 9(20,4)

- 8/16/78, Article I, Sec. 9(20,5)

- 8/16/78, Article I, Sec. 9(20,6)

- 8/16/78, Article I, Sec. 9(21,7)

- 8/16/78, Article II, Sec. 4(22-24)

- 2/21/80, Article I, Sec. 8(1,3-6)

- 2/21/80, Article I, Sec. 9(2,6-8)

- 2/21/80, Article II, Sec. 4(3,4,6,7)

- 9/16/82, Article I, Sec. 8(3,4,6)

- 9/16/82, Article II, Sec. 4(7)

- 1/20/83, Article I, Sec. 8(1,2,3)

- 1/20/83, Article I, Sec. 9(1,2,3,8)

- 3/17/83, Article II, Sec. 4(4,6)

- 4/20/89, Article I, Sec. 8(1,5,6)

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 1

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 2

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 3

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 5

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 6

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 7

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 8

- 11/8/90, Article I, Sec. 9

- 11/8/90, Article II, Sec. 1

- 11/8/90, Article II, Sec. 4

- 4/21/94, Article I, Sec. 4

- 4/21/94, Article I, Sec. 7

- 4/21/94, Article I, Sec. 8

- 4/21/94, Article I, Sec. 9

- 4/21/94, Article II, Sec. 2

- 4/21/94, Article II, Sec. 4(8)

- 5/2/95, Article I, Sec. 9

- 5/2/95, Article II, Sec. 4

- 9/9/05, Article II, Sec. 5

- 1/22/09, Article II, Sec. 4(5)

- 4/15/10, Article I, Sec. 1

- 4/15/10, Article I, Sec. 2

- 4/15/10, Article I, Sec. 5

- 4/15/10, Article I, Sec. 7

- 4/15/10, Article I, Sec. 8

- 4/15/10, Article I, Sec. 9

- 4/15/10, Article II, Sec. 4 (1-4)

-11/16/17, Article I, Sec.1

-11/16/17, Article I, Sec. 9 (3)

-11/16/17, Article II, Sec. 4

-03/26/18, Article III, Sec. 1