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Dr. Deirdre O'Sullivan

Associate Professor of Education (RHS)

328 CEDAR Building
University Park, PA 16802


  • Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education


  • Counselor Education
  • Rehabilitation and Human Services


  • Dr. Edwin L. Herr Clinic


Deirdre O'Sullivan is an Associate Professor for the College of Education at Penn State. She is the current coordinator for the Rehabilitation & Human Services (RHS) major and the coordinator for the RHS minor and the Addictions and Recovery minor.


She teaches and advises students in both RHS undergraduate and Counselor Education and Counselor Education and Supervision graduate programs.


Her research focuses on counseling interventions for people concurrently recovering from Chronic Illness and Disability (CID), Substance Use Disorder (SUD), and trauma, particularly among those re-entering their communities post-incarceration. She is affiliated with the Penn State Consortium on Substance Use and Addiction as well as a board member of the Restorative Justice Initiative.

Areas of Expertise


Learning Assessment

Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education

Rehabilitation and Human Services

Special Education

Mild Disabilities
Severe Disabilities